
couple counseling


Case study: Marriage is bliss that’s what others think but when you come home & are scared what if I speak & she will blast her volume on the high pitch & When wife’s voice sounds like sharp needles in ears, It’s time you have to see a counselor. You think her voice is irritating you, but she thinks you are not listening. Get help.

Case study: This is a case study only of a case during a marriage counseling session of a couple in marriage counseling by a counselor: Any names & locations are not disclosed. All case studies are written only with permission of the client on the condition of not disclosing real names.

Case Study: You have the wife who is educated & working. What if the wife is tired and sick but still making food for the husband so he should get home cooked food what do you give her in return? A face when you are back that she should be glad you are home after working hard in office? How about her is she feeling ok? How was her day? She spent the entire day thinking about how she makes your home better or after work came home still working in the kitchen to give food on the table with a smile. Are her needs met?

It’s not the food we have to cook she just had to supervise… (look at reality)…. you are at a stage you need to meet iNtegra counseling.

Case study: This is a case study only of a case during a marriage counseling session of a couple in marriage counselling by a counselor : Any names & locations are not disclosed. All case studies are written only with permission of the client on the condition of not disclosing real names.

Working hard to create an identity for yourself but being married is hard for some people it’s tough.

Husband feels like extra baggage but needs to carry him because after doing all the struggle to please him you are not getting basic needs met & have to struggle yell in the day to day life. Feeling all alone battling for the house?

So So marriage shouldn’t be the case in your wedding because you can transform your marriage into a happy marriage. Somewhere emotional disconnect due to pain or hurtful statements made by spouse feel like a piece of baggage.

Case study: This is a case study only of a case during a marriage counseling session of a couple in marriage counseling by a counselor : Any names & locations are not disclosed. All case studies are written only with permission of the client on the condition of not disclosing real names.

Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon by iNtegra helps you discover the reasons to stay in a marriage or leave. By retracing your thought processes, the marriage counsellors at iNtegra in Gurgaon can help you understand why you’re thinking the way you are. Perhaps you’ve been married for a while, but you no longer feel the same way about your spouse or about the marriage itself as you once did. It’s a lot to process, but now if having serious doubts about the marriage itself then prepare yourself for practical solutions through Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon by iNtegra.  [ez-toc]

Marriage counselling in Gurgaon

Relationship & Marriage Counselling | Couple’s Counsellor

Should I stay married because of your child?
It depends on your current situation and why you are considering staying in your marriage for the sake of your child.
First, think about what are the specific concerns or factors that are making you question whether to stay or leave.



Is it OK to stay in an unhappy marriage for kids- Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon
Is it OK to stay in an unhappy marriage for kids- Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon


Is it OK to stay in an unhappy marriage for kids?

Is it OK to stay in an unhappy marriage for kids?
Is it a lack of personal freedom or what is the source of your unhappiness in the marriage? Are there specific issues or problems that are causing the unhappiness? How have you tried to address these issues in the past?


Some people say that divorce is better than staying unhappily married because it gives them more financial security and freedom to move on with their lives. Others say that divorce will leave an emotional scar on your children–they won’t be able to see their mommy and daddy together anymore. Either way, there are two sides to this story: those who think it’s best not to get divorced at all (and stay together) versus those who feel like splitting up is inevitable sooner or later if things aren’t getting better quickly enough between the two parties involved in this situation requiring some kind of intervention from outside sources like Counselling, Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon who specialize specifically dealing with couples problems such as infidelity issues among other things like addiction issues which often plague many couples today due

Staying in a loveless marriage for child

Is it better to divorce or stay unhappily married?

There are many factors you need to consider when deciding whether or not to stay in your loveless marriage. You might want to consider what kind of support system your kids will have if you divorce, as well as how much time and energy it would take from each parent after the divorce is finalized. If a relationship has been broken for years and no one feels like working on it anymore, then perhaps this question is easier than others.

However, there are also pros and cons to staying together for the sake of having children together (whether they’re yours or someone else’s). Pros include:

  • It may be easier if both partners are committed parents who know how hard parenting can be but also understand that being parents is important even if things aren’t going well at home right now

Cons include: It’s harder to focus on a bad relationship when there are children involved It’s possible that one partner will feel trapped into staying together for the sake of their kids

It’s possible that one partner will make up for their own unhappiness by focusing on their children and not dealing with their own issues

In the end, it’s up to you and your partner(s) to decide what’s best for everyone involved. If one of you feels strongly about staying together for the sake of children, then that may be a good reason to stay together. If both partners agree on this but still feel like something is off or missing from the relationship, then maybe it’s time to look at other options.

Is it better to divorce or stay unhappily married

As a parent, you want your children to be happy and safe. You may have thought that it was best for them to stay in an unhappy marriage–but now, things have changed. You’ve discovered that divorce isn’t an option for you or your family anymore; the stress of living with someone who doesn’t care about you is just too much for any single parent or couple to handle.

But what do we mean by “unhappy”? Does this mean a person doesn’t love their partner anymore? Does it mean they’re physically abusive? No matter how much someone loves their spouse, there are always going to be moments when one person feels like doing something completely different from what their partner wants them to do (or vice versa). These disagreements can lead one spouse to feel hurt or angry at times which can cause resentment between both spouses within their relationship as well as within each other’s families/friends circle(s).

If you’ve noticed that your spouse is acting differently toward you than they did when the two of you first met, it could be a sign that they’re unhappy with their current situation. Maybe they feel like they’re not getting what they want out of life–and if this is the case, then it’s time for both of you to talk about how things can be different in the future.

A person might not be happy with their current situation if they feel like they’re not getting what they want out of life. If this is the case, then it’s time for both of you to talk about how things can be different in the future.

If your spouse is acting differently toward you than they did when the two of you first met, it could be a sign that they’re unhappy with their current situation. Maybe they feel like they’re not getting what they want out of life–and if this is the case, then it’s time for both of you to talk about how things can be different in the future.


Is it better to divorce or stay unhappily married- Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon




Staying together for the kids: pros and cons

There are a lot of benefits to staying in an unhappy marriage for kids. Kids need both parents, and it can be tough for them to deal with divorce. They also need stability and support every day–they don’t have the time or energy to adjust to new situations very well.

If you agree with these benefits (and aren’t just saying so because you think it’s what society wants), then there is one major reason why most people stay married: children. Kids see their parents’ relationship as the center of their universe; they want that same kind of closeness from their own relationships later on down the road. If your spouse doesn’t make your life better by providing all those things above, then perhaps the choice isn’t so clear-cut either way!

I’m so unhappy in my marriage but I can’t leave.

You might be wondering why you stay in an unhappy marriage. You’re so unhappy, but you can’t leave.

Maybe this sounds familiar to you: You’re so unhappy in your marriage that it feels like there’s no way out of the relationship. You don’t want a divorce because it would mean losing everything–from the custody of your kids to money and property rights–but at the same time, staying with someone who doesn’t make you happy seems impossible as well.

I’m so unhappy in my marriage but I can’t leave

It’s a common dilemma for many women: staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of your children. But can you really make it work? If so, what are the pros and cons?

The question then becomes: What do I do? How do I get out of this situation without causing myself more pain than I already feel?


I think the decision is tough. If we were in your shoes, I would strongly consider divorce. But if you want to keep your marriage together but are not happy then I think it’s a valid choice because I know how hard it is when you’re not happy with someone who you love and care about deeply (especially children).



What are signs you should get a divorce from a unhappy marriage? reasons people say during Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon

Divorce isn’t always a good thing, but it can be necessary if you’re facing a toxic relationship. A bad marriage is not something you want to make permanent by staying with your spouse for the sake of the children or because you feel like it’s the “right thing” to do in general. The mistake most people make when considering divorce is that they think they need an excuse or reason why they should leave their spouses; this isn’t true at all! There are many signs that indicate that your marriage might be ending soon:

You are having an affair.

A happy marriage is one that lasts. That’s not to say you should ignore the signs of an unhappy marriage, but it does mean that you should talk about them with your spouse and try to work things out.marriage Counselling in gurgaon

  • Talk about the affair: First and foremost, if you have been having an affair (or are considering starting), then talk about it–with your spouse! It’s important not only because adultery is morally wrong but also because even if your spouse has forgiven you for cheating on him or her in the past (and this isn’t something we recommend), there may be deeper issues at play here that need addressing before moving forward as a couple again.
  • Work things out: If this isn’t the first time around–and hopefully not–then chances are good that both partners will want forgiveness from one another; however, forgiveness can only happen once both parties feel safe enough to share their experiences with each other so they can build trust back up again between them like old friends who’ve gone through some tough times together before regaining their friendship bond after months apart without seeing each other face-to-face ever again until now when reconnecting over coffee every morning seems normal enough now…

Your spouse is abusive.

If you are living with a spouse who is abusive, it’s important to know that physical abuse is not just hitting or punching. Physical abuse can also include pushing, shoving, and other forms of aggression that injure your body. Verbal abuse is simply the use of words to hurt someone’s feelings and humiliate them in public. Financial abuse includes taking money from your bank account without permission; withholding money from paying bills or buying food; using credit cards without permission; keeping all or most of the money earned by you or any member of your family (including children) while making believe they are doing nothing wrong by doing so when actually they are stealing from those who depend on them financially).

Emotional/psychological/sexual/psychiatric abuse involves mistreating another person emotionally by yelling at them constantly; humiliating them in front of others through constant insults like calling them names like stupid idiot etc., refusing medical treatment when needed due to poor health conditions caused by years worth stress-related issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, etc.; refusing help when needed because they don’t want anyone around but themselves thus isolating themselves further away from society which leads us back into isolationism again where no one knows exactly what happened between two people before divorce became legal again because there were no laws protecting either party during separation period before filing paperwork for divorce case against each other.”

Physical abuse involves mistreating another person physically by hitting them with fists, kicking them when they are down on the ground unable to fight back against further physical abuse, or even killing them in some cases. Emotional/psychological/sexual/psychiatric abuse involves mistreating another person emotionally by yelling at them constantly; humiliating them in front of others through constant insults like calling them names like stupid idiot etc., refusing medical treatment when needed due to poor health conditions caused by years worth stress-related issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, etc.; refusing help when needed because they don’t want anyone around but themselves thus isolating themselves further away from society which leads us back into isolationism again where no one knows exactly what happened between two people before divorce became legal again because

Your spouse is cheating on you.

If your spouse is cheating on you, it’s time to leave. You can’t trust them anymore and need to protect yourself and your children. If you don’t know if they want a divorce or not, then get an attorney who will help you find out what their intentions are in order for the two of you to move forward with one another as parents of your children!

You want to leave, but your spouse doesn’t want to.

You might be afraid to leave, but your spouse doesn’t want to.

You may be afraid of the consequences of leaving, such as:

  • Your children go without food or other basic needs.
  • You have no money with which to support yourself and your family after the divorce.
  • Having no way of paying off all your debts in full so that you can start over fresh with a clean slate after divorce proceedings are complete (if applicable).

Your spouse is abusive to you and your children after you leave. Your spouse going after your job in an effort to make you look bad or get fired (if applicable).

The emotional and mental stress of being unable to provide for yourself and your family can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel trapped in an abusive situation, especially if you have children who depend on you for their well-being.

You think it’s time for a divorce, and your spouse isn’t willing to go through with it.

You’re not alone. In fact, the majority of people who get divorced live in marriages where the two people simply don’t want to be with each other anymore. However, there are some signs that you need to get out of your marriage before it’s too late (or even if things aren’t as bad yet).

You have been thinking about getting a divorce for a while now and feel like it is time for a change. Your spouse hasn’t changed their mind about wanting an open marriage or having multiple partners during their lifetime together, so why should you? You may not feel like this right now because everyone else seems happy; however, if something were to happen then what would stop them from doing the same thing? Or worse still: they could leave without warning! How do you know if these things ever happen? Maybe someone has left us before us but we never found out why until after doing self-introspection in the process of Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon…

You don’t leave a marriage for one issue there are numerous issues at once then you get the feeling that you should end the marriage.

Here are some of the signs that made you think that you need to get out of your marriage before it’s too late:
Top unhappy marriage signs - Marriage Counselling in Gurgaon

Top unhappy marriage signs

  1. You don’t feel like yourself anymore: If you have lost all interest in yourself, then why do anything? If you can’t even stand the person staring back at you in the mirror then what is the point? And if it isn’t enough for them to see how unhappy they are making you, then why should they care
  2. You are always fighting: When you look back at your relationship, do you remember the good times or all the arguments? If it is more fights than fun then it is time to move on.
  3. You don’t know how to stop fighting: If you keep getting into arguments then how do you expect this relationship to last? This is a sign that your marriage has been in trouble for a while and nothing is going to fix it.
  4. You feel like you are walking on eggshells: If you tell your spouse their outfit looks like crap and they get mad at you then what is the point of talking to them? If everything is offensive, then why bother saying anything at all?
  5. You don’t want to be around each other anymore: If you can’t stand being around each other then it must be bad right?
  6. You feel alone: If you don’t feel like your spouse understands anything about you then why would they want to stay together?
  7. You don’t feel like you can be yourself: If you feel like your spouse is always criticizing everything you say and do then there is no point in trying to be a better person for them.
  8. You feel like you can’t get past your problems: If you keep having the same fights over and over then it isn’t going to get better.
  9. You are always arguing about money: If money is tight and you are always fighting about bills then it might be time to move on.
  10. You feel like you are just roommates: If you can’t remember the last time you had a romantic night together then it might be time to move on.
  11. You don’t see a future with your spouse anymore: If you don’t see yourself growing old with someone then it isn’t worth staying together.
  12. You both are unhappy: If both of you aren’t happy with the relationship then there is no point in staying together.
  13. You don’t want the same things in life: If one of you wants kids and the other doesn’t then it won’t work out.
  14. You feel like you are missing out on something: If you know that there is someone else who can make you happier than your spouse then move on.
  15. You have lost respect for each other: If you don’t respect your spouse anymore then it isn’t going to work out.
  16. You don’t have anything in common anymore: If you have nothing in common anymore then it isn’t going to work out.
  17. You don’t feel loved by your spouse: If you don’t feel loved by your spouse then it isn’t worth staying together.
  18. You are not attracted to each other anymore: If you find yourself staring at other people more than you do your spouse then it isn’t going to work out
  19. You are constantly fighting: If you are always arguing then it won’t work out.
  20. You don’t feel like being around each other anymore: If you feel like you can’t stand being around your spouse anymore then it isn’t worth staying together
  21. You have different interests: If you have different interests then it won’t work out.
  22. You are no longer able to forgive each other: If you can’t forgive each other for past mistakes then it won’t work out.
  23. You don’t feel good about yourself: If you don’t feel good about yourself then it isn’t worth staying together
  24. You don’t feel happy anymore: If you aren’t happy anymore then it isn’t worth staying together.
  25. You don’t trust your spouse: If you can’t trust your spouse then it won’t work out
  26. You are always arguing about money: If you argue about money all the time then it won’t work out
  27. Your sex life has suffered: If your sex life has suffered then it isn’t going to work out
  28. You have different parenting styles: If you have different parenting styles then it won’t work out
  29. You don’t like each other’s family: If you don’t like each other’s family then it won’t work out
  30. You don’t have fun together anymore: If you aren’t having fun then it isn’t worth staying together.
  31. You no longer feel like a team: If you don’t feel like a team anymore then it won’t work out.
  32. You’re not compatible with each other’s parents
  33. Your sex life has suffered—and this time it isn’t just because of winter
  34. You can’t get along anymore
  35. The spark is gone.
  36. One of you has changed.
  37. You’re both not on the same page.
  38. You don’t feel appreciated.
  39. You’re not happy with your life together.
  40. You don’t like each other’s family.
  41. You’re not on the same page.
  42. You feel like you’re going in different directions.
  43. The spark is gone.
  44. There are too many differences between you.
  45. One of you has changed.

There are many signs that you should get a divorce, but there are also some things that can make it harder to commit to leaving your marriage for good.

There are many signs that you should get a divorce, but there are also some things that can make it harder to commit to leaving your marriage for good.

  • Your spouse is always working hard and never taking time out of the office or home to spend with you
  • You have been asked by many people why they never see you doing anything fun together (like going out on weekends)
  • Your spouse refuses to talk about anything personal with you – even when he/she knows how much this upsets you because it makes no sense at all

There are many signs that you should get a divorce, but there are also some things that can make it harder to commit to leaving your marriage for good. If you’re struggling with these issues then maybe it’s time to do some soul-searching as well as talk with a professional Counsellor who can help guide you through this difficult period in your life.




Case Study: We as a husband and wife are at the point where even we are not talking to each other just living in the same house for children’s sake. I love him very much, but due to some mishaps ( galatfahmi ) we are in this situation. He is taking all the wrong meanings from whatever I do for him or say to him. This is now affecting the children & the atmosphere of the home. Mother-in-law monitors all of her activities/span> bahu and keeps on interfering in her professional as well as personal matters. It is said that bahu is expected to update saas about all her professional activities, something that bahu does not appreciate. The wife feels The problem is that the mother-in-law always tries to dominate, and that is where the tussle started.

The wife feels her husband is not listening to her and that her husband is being influenced by her mother-in-law because she did not like her in the beginning. Good communication between my mother-in-law and wife was lacking. The husband had an anger management problem, so he never settled the difference between his wife & mother. As per the husband, he wanted to avoid becoming a sandwich between his wife and his mother. So noncommunication was making it more difficult for husband & wife to live joyfully. All wife wanted was priority and quality time with her husband. The mother-in-law’s issue was solved once they started communicating positively and with respect. The husband had a polite conversation with his Mother that how her behavior toward his wife is affecting their marriage. Mother offered that you both live alone somewhere, but that was not the solution husband was looking for. He did care for his mother so couldn’t leave her alone. All three sat with peace with new understanding & communication skills through counseling to resolve their conflicts & now living in the same house but in a happier environment.

Case study: This is a case study only of a case during a marriage counseling session of a couple in marriage counseling by a counselor: Any names & locations are not disclosed. All case studies are written only with permission of the client on the condition of not disclosing real names.

